Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hey! Have You Heard?

Have you heard about that new online networking website that is taking the world of business networking to a whole new level?

It’s called ReciProty.

ReciProty is taking worldwide resources and funneling it all down to the local level so everyone in your community can get the local support, local business networking and local marketing they need and benefiting their communities in the process.

ReciProty is a site which allows members to create a local Networking Support System totally controlled by members.

The number of helpful categories  members can offer and access are only limited by the number of members who join; and right now ReciProty hosts hundreds of members who are:

  • Sharing local resources
  • Promoting their businesses instantly
  • Finding customers instead of waiting for customers to find them 
  • Staying informed of business, private, or public events 

It’s an Online Community Bulletin Board

Members of ReciProty Include People Like:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Non-Profits
  • Small & Large Businesses Owners
  • Business Groups
  • Freelancers
  • Executives
  • Service Providers
  • Retailers

ReciProty offers an entirely new way to:

  • Receive and offer support to others 
  • Network more efficiently
  • Connect with new and existing customers. 

24/7 Reciproty is delivering  local resources and financial opportunities –instantly.
And did I mention?  It’s FREE!

Now that you’ve heard…
…come see what all this talk is about. You’ll find us here:  Reciproty.com

Friday, August 24, 2012

A New Way to Network!

 Successful networking involves the bringing together of individuals who, through trusted relationships...

...become Human Advertisements for each another...
(...like this guy) 

When people with common goals network together – all parties benefit

Networking can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be.  It is up to you to decide what avenues you want to pursue when looking for networking resources.  Start by understanding your goals - then stick with groups that are going in the same direction.

Not all networking groups were created equal, and not all are focused on the same things, so be sure to visit various types of groups.

It is important for you to stick with groups that share a common interest. A great way to maximize your networking opportunities is to volunteer within your group to stay visible and to give back to the people who have helped you.

For some, attending groups in various locations within the community is preferable to accessing groups on the web. Whatever your preference, it is good to explore both types of opportunities.

Reciprocating within your group is crucial for the group’s strength and ultimate success

A great place to start with your networking endeavors is: ReciProty.  ReciProty is a new and innovative website that provides a starting point for groups to organize and manage themselves.

With ReciProty, anyone can create a group that operates as the center of operations for meetings either online or in person. People in your community are starting, managing, and networking within successful groups right now on ReciProty.com.

If you see the value of networking and the power of teamwork in action, ReciProty is for you.
It’s local, it’s effective and it’s FREE.

ReciProty…definitely worth checking out!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

A “Go-To” Place for Help, Support, Resources and Information?

Tell me if you can relate; I’ve been online for hours now, searching endlessly for that one thing that will make my day a whole lot easier. What website is going to provide me with all of the answers that I’m looking for?

There are so many sites out there, but I don’t have the time or patience to go through such a time consuming search every time I need help, especially when emergencies occur! What I need is an all-in-one reliable resource site where all members of my community can connect, communicate, and collaborate. We all know someone, who knows someone, who knows something. What if we were to share and exchange reliable information?

ReciProty is making it happen! Most great things happen in the world because of someone helping someone else. It is a precious gift to have a place where passionate people can share and support one another to make a difference in the lives of others. On ReciProty members are sharing resources, events and all other go-to sites out there with local members in order to get the answers, resources and help you need. What makes ReciProty unique is that it brings people together so they can support each other whether it's online or in person, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

By harnessing resources and connecting trusted relationships on a local level, ReciProry is taking our current community support system, business networking, marketing, and financial opportunities to the Next Level! It’s a place for productive teamwork in action that gets results for all who use it. 

Aren’t you tired of the alternative? Searching endlessly on the web for resources, information or scrambling to find economical ways to market your products or services? Reciprocate on ReciProty!  Invite your family members, friends and colleagues. Network, share information, get answers, and support your community members, businesses, non-profit organizations and their causes. When individuals and businesses thrive, communities thrive! 

ReciProty bridges the gap between needs and resources. It’s that simple! All day, any day; ReciProty is the right place at the right time; when you need it most and it’s right at your fingertips. Start your own community support system today. It’s new and Free!

You Can Now Create "Black Friday" Everyday

ReciProty offers so many opportunities. What if you can create “Black Friday” Every day for your customers, think of the profit for your business! Most of the funds generated are also kept within your community. I’m writing to you to let you know that since ReciProty’s Everyday Discount section is based on a first come, first serve basis, ReciProty has made "Black Friday" every day, possible. You probably know “Black Friday” is the biggest money making day of the year for businesses. According to The National Retail Federation, on Black Friday last year the average shopper spent: $398.62 each, with the total revenue, on November 24, 2011 alone, being $52.5billion!

By being a member of ReciProty, every day can be like “Black Friday” for you and your customers. In these economic times, businesses are trying to find ways to survive and customers are looking for ways to conserve. When you post a discount on ReciProty, members can call, walk-in, or link to your discount or special offer allowing them to simply print a coupon, voucher, gift certificate and/or purchase your product and/or service on-the-spot.

Did I say service? Yes –  if you are an electrician, web designer, plumber, arborist, printer, baker, etc., you can post your discounts on ReciProty. Restaurant owners can offer two-for-one discounts and announce happy hour or a percentage off a meal. Retailers can offer discounts on their products and services. Your local customers can also just walk-in with their data phone to make their purchases. And that’s not all! The Everyday Discount section is completely controlled by you. No second or third party to pay, unless you want to.

When a non-profit creates an organizational profile, once approved, their organization will be place on ReciProty’s non-profit donations list. This gives service or retail providers the option to donate a certain percentage of the sale to the purchaser’s non-profit choice, even their church congregation! Retailers and businesses also have the option to donate a percentage of the sale to a non-profit that they already have on record. If your non-profit organization is in need of donations, please tell them to create an organizational profile on Reciproty!

This purchasing and referral process benefits everyone - the purchaser, consumer, service provider, and retailer - while at the same time supporting community growth and development. Members can also share your discounts with their family members, friends, and colleagues.  Please spread the word that on ReciProty we can have “Black Friday” discounts every day. Remember, it is first come, first serve - so don’t wait!
When individuals thrive, businesses thrive and when businesses thrive - communities thrive! 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

ReciProty is for: YOU!

A website designed with ME in mind? Yes! YOU are the reason for ReciProty’s existence!
ReciProty (re-sip-row-tee) is a unique website that features innovative ways to make it easier and safer for you to get what you need when you need it – 24/7/365 

ReciProty: It’s like having a personal assistant at your fingertips!

Who do you turn to when you need the services of people you can trust? Wouldn’t it be comforting to know that the provider you choose is a highly recommended and trusted source for your specific need?  Such as:
  • Daycare providers
  • Doctors
  • Dentists 
  • Hairdressers
  • Financial Advisors
  • Tutors
Turn to ReciProty. How do you find out…
  • What schools have the best teachers
  • What church fits your needs
  • Where to go when you need a support group
  • Which non-profit organization to volunteer for

A member of ReciProty will supply you with a trusted referral that has been given an honest-to-goodness, tried-and-true rating based on that member’s personal experience.
Can’t find the support you seek? Start your own support resource group now! Just invite your family members, friends, and colleagues and ask them to invite their family members, friends, and colleagues. Soon answers, resources, support, business networking, marketing, and financial opportunities will be at your fingertips. It’s happening in the state of Oregon, it can happen in your state as well!

YOU are what powers ReciProty. The more you interact, opportunities will come to you.

ReciProty.com is the place to turn to request assistance from the people or organizations in your community who can respond with the resources you need. It is your neighborhood network.
Members on ReciProty have your best interest in mind – to give you peace of mind. When in need or when emergencies occur, resources are priceless.

There's Got to Be a Better Way!

                                                      There’s Got to Be a Better Way!
View details
Tell me if you can relate; I’ve been online for hours now, searching endlessly for that one thing that will make my day a whole lot easier.

Today I’m looking for an electrician - but not just any electrician; a skilled technician who:

  • Knows how to work on turn-of-the-century electrical systems
  • Is affordable 
  • Takes checks
  • Is willing to travel outside city limits  

What website ad is going to provide me with all of the details I’m looking for?

Don’t get me wrong, there are sites out there that come close, but certainly not close enough for me to know if I can really trust them. It would help if they would include objective ratings of their services.

And as luck would have it, the service providers that sound perfect are out of my area or out of my price range.

What I need is an all-in-one reliable resource to turn to at times like this. I don’t have the time or patience to go through such a time consuming search every time I need help; especially when it’s an emergency situation!
Ah, I miss the good old days when we all knew who we could trust and the service providers willingly and openly shared their information with a “how can I be of help?” attitude.

Remember when neighbors and communities used to be able to turn to each other whenever a need arose? Nowadays, everyone is crazy busy, and our communities have grown so much that people just can’t take the time or go the distance to get to know each other enough to build the trusted relationships we all wish we had.

Look at this - I cannot believe I’ve been on my computer for this many hours already!
Wait…what’s this? Re-ci-Proty…”Networking…My Neighborhood…Resource Exchange”.  Hmm, might be just what I’m looking for. Looks easy enough to join. Why not?

Wow! Why didn’t I find this site first? My search could have ended before it started. I’m finding people in my own neighborhood and community who are here for each other - here for me!

Group of smiling business peopleLooks like people are on here sharing referrals and resources they trust, even rating the services and businesses in my local area! Looks like the good old days of people helping people are making a 21st century come-back! Why didn’t anyone think of this sooner?

It looks like ReciProty has thought of everything! It has brought my own neighborhood right to my doorstep. What’s more, it provides a place for me to build my own support system so I can get the support I need when I need it.  Plus, I can designate the kind of support I can provide others on the “My Neighborhood” page. This is amazing! This is community!

Think of all that time wasted searching the web - time that can now be spent on better things; such as helping someone else like I’ve just been helped on Reciproty.com. I like that!

Friday, August 10, 2012

It's Happening!

It's happening right now! Businesses are growing on Reciproty where they are staying connected with existing customers and connecting with new ones - everyday. Businesses on ReciProty are able to highlight their products, offer discounts and link to their own website ~ gaining crucial exposure for their business and generating revenue. You're ready to grow and ReciProty is the way to go!

                                          arrows,blocks,buildings,business concepts,businesses,concepts,metaphors,shapes,skyscrapers,symbols